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It is popularly said that food is the fuel for any party or partygoers. Tasty and yummy food can change a dull party into the liveliest one. The party's echoing success generally depends upon the food served there, as it becomes the chief highlight and remains fresh on the memory of the attendants.

When planning your party, carefully devise a theme. This theme can be as simple as a superhero theme for a child’s birthday party or a complex theme for an elegant charity soirée. Whatever the occasion, choosing a theme will help you immensely when planning for and choosing the menu.

Additionally, choose the overall feel for the party. Is it to be fun and casual or high culture and elegant?

After you have chosen and theme and feel for your party, decide on the style and time of day. For example, a dinner party should not take place at four o’clock in the afternoon. Furthermore, a tea party should not take place at ten o’clock in the morning. Usually, people have certain expectations at certain times. If a party is planned for five o’clock in the evening, most individuals will expect a cocktail party with hordeurves and mixed drinks. An event to take place at eleven o’clock in the morning is generally expected to be a brunch with a mixture of breakfast and lunch options served.

Choosing the menu is an art. It should cater to the age and style of your guests. For instance, you should not have foi gras and snails on your menu if your guests are children. Similarly, serving cheese and macaroni would be totally out of place for a high brow dinner for adults. The success of your party rests on the judicious selection of the menu.

If you are planning a party in honor of someone—such as a birthday, shower, or anniversary party—consider choosing their favorite foods for the menu. Since the party is being held in their honor, the prestigious guest should be accommodated for in each manner. Choose that individual’s signature beverage for the drink of choice and include his or her favorite foods or desserts.

If you are planning a cocktail event or one with only hordeurves, carefully consider your options. Instead of choosing hard to eat items or foods that can quickly become messy, choose options that can be eaten cleanly with one hand in a single bite. Even though buffalo wings can be consumed in a single bite, they are simply too messy for guests to legitimately consume. Try mini quiche, bite sized baked goods, meat or cheese on crackers, or petite sandwiches for your party fare.

Have a striking sweet note! Yes, we are talking of the dessert here. The menu should have a wide array of desserts rather than keeping a single attraction.

So food and menu counts to be the success after the party is over as nobody remembers the decoration and arrangements but the tastier bite of that yummy cake, that mouth watering lobsters and chilled but wonderful champagne. If you have ensured that the food is good, rest assured that your party has made its mark where its matters the most. They might not remember the details of how striking you looked, or the painstaking detail with which the venue was decorated but they are sure going to remember for long the taste of "Melt-in-your-mouth" cakes, refreshing drinks, and the scrumptious chicken wings.

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